Wednesday 3 November 2010

NME double page spread

The first page of this double page spread is just one picture. It's theme is still american. The headline, "The best British band from America", kind of messes with your head a little. You kind of can't work out how that would make sense, which makes NME's readers have to read the article to find out just what that headline means. 
The band, like the cover picture, are looking very bored and angry. They don't look at all bothered to be where they are. This whole look fits in very well with the angsty teenagers that the magazine is aimed at. They can relate to this band and that makes the readers want to read the article even more.

On the second page, the article itself, it's all just text with one pull quote that says, "I can't think of anything worse than wanting to be for indie's sake.". This again fits in with the teenage angst of NME's readers. They too 
would perhaps say something like this. 
The language used in the piece is very informal, very chatty. It's a very light read and the conversation is very laid back and doesn't involve anything very meaningful. NME's target audience are probably mainly students at time in life where they don't want to get bogged down by reading their favourite bands talk about politics and suicide. They want to sit and have a laugh at the light hearted banter filled interviews. 

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