Friday 5 November 2010

Heat contents page

The contents page is, like the cover of heat, very colourful. The person on the front cover also features quite predominantly  on the contents page. Again, all with negative comments made. Backing up my point once more about Heat readers wanting to read about people feeling miserable and looking miserable.
The rest of the contents is, as a contents page should be, navigating readers around the magazine. They have an "On the cover" section along with an image of the front cover which I think is quite a good idea because after all, the cover is the reason the reader has bought the magazine.
They also have got a lot of other features that readers either expect, like regular things, reviews and style sections for example. Also other News. They've labelled it, "News & Stuff" which is a very informal, chatty way of writing which suggests readers are perhaps quite young and they haven't bought this magazine to read about hard hitting news stories that have shook the world.

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