Friday 5 November 2010

Mojo Double Page spread

 This particular DPS comes from an article that is 17 pages long. It's layout is a mixture of pictures and text but I would say it is mainly text-led. The images that are quite old ones of Bob Dylan, there's one in the left hand corner of him performing live in 1963 and also a bigger image of him playing the harmonica, which is one of his iconic traits. 
Throughout the article the main colour used is blue, and it's always the same blue. It relates back to the front cover. 
On the left hand side of the first page, there is a separate blue box in which there are a couple of columns of writing. It's title, "A Blast that rocked everyone back on their feet" intrigues the reader to know what the blast was. And the play on the phrase to "blow you off your feet" makes the reader want to read the rest of this section. It is short interviews with people that went to see Bob Dylan at one of his most defining gigs in his career. It isn't in keeping with the rest of the article but is still relevant and Mojo think that readers will appreciate this piece. They also have a pull quote stating "Dylan had a big bullwhip in his hand, cracking it as he walked along." this quote is very intriguing, it makes the reader want to know where this was and why he had a bullwhip. 
In the main article, the journalist is writing about his experience and thoughts on Bob Dylan after talking with people that knew him and have seen him play. He talks about Bob Dylan in a God-like way. The journalist creates this image of him that makes him seem like one of the most important people in music, in the past and currently. This could cause people to either extremely disagree of go along with every word he has written. It's perhaps quite a controversial way to write. 
The article is quite biographical of the artist and therefore readers that might not know a lot about Dylan may be interested to read it but it's also enough rare information for big fans of Dylan to be interested.
When it comes to the journalists language and the way in which he writes, it's quite a friendly style but at the same time very mature. The readers of this magazine perhaps want an easy read but they don't want to read something that will make them feel old. They want to be able to relate to what the journalist is saying. 

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