Friday 5 November 2010

Heat double page spread

This DPS is just four short columns of writing, so it's quite concise and is mainly taking up by a red and black headline in a very big font, a standfirst and image. 
The red and black headline suggest quite a sorrowful article. "Seeing each other again has been so emotional", this makes readers want to read on and discover exactly what happened. The standfirst has a similar effect, "Heat reveals the amazing details of Cheryl and Ashely's "intense" first meeting since their bitter divorce." With words like "intense" and "bitter" in the standfirst, it reinforces my point about heat readers, looking for something to read that has effected somebody in a bad way. 
On the images they have two pull quotes, "Cheryl didn't tell Piers she's seen Ashley since the split" and "When he went to hug her, Cheryl got emotional" both of these quotes make a skim reader want to stop and read the rest of the article to find out why she didn't tell Piers she'd seen Ashley since the split and why exactly Cheryl got so emotional when he went to hug her. Both of the images they've used on this DPS are very close up images of two peoples faces, both looking quite serious and perhaps upset. This backs up their article even if the people in the pictures weren't upset about what the article is about.
They've also got another couple of images in the bottom right hand corner, one of Cheryl Cole crying and another of a house, with a caption "House of Pain - Cheryl had an emotional  reunion with Ashley at their marital home in Surrey". This "House of Pain" caption is very dramatic and perhaps a little over the top but all of it draws heat readers in to read the rest of the article. 
The article itself is very simplistic and very much to the point. It's quite bias toward the female involved, therefore I've assumed the magazine is aimed at a mainly female readership. At the end of the article the journalist has written, "Sigh - we shop that sentimental Cheryl is thinking of closing the door on Ash soon. Love rats always seek warmth inside for the winter. Exterminate!" The shortening of the name Ashley to Ash suggests that the readers know who these people are and that there's quite a lot of familiarity in this article. The journalist has assumed that the readers know a lot about these people and this is simply an update as to what is happening in their lives, For instance, she refers to him as a "love rat", people that don't know these people will not know what this is referring to, but regular readers of the magazine will do.

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