Monday 13 September 2010

Q Magazine

The masthead on Q magazine is bright red with just one white letter. This makes the magazine stand out completely with just 2 simple, bold colours and the use of just one letter.
There are very few different colours on the cover of this magazine. This simplistic look on the text makes the explosive image easier on the eye because there's not too much going on.
The picture covers the whole front cover which shows that the band, in this case Kings of Leon, are the main feature in the issue. The image of them smashing glass, perhaps a window draws the reader in because it suggests it's a big deal, quite explosive, also rebellious. This may appeal to Q's audience because it's a young mischievious thing to do.
The rest of the cover is very simplistic again like the masthead. There's only really three other things on the cover. The skyline, 'The 50 best albums of 2008', this would draw the reader in - they want to see if they own any of them. Also, the cover line, makes you wonder what on earth The Killers have been up to.